Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Today was one of those days where I struggled with my treatment sessions. I have a few patients with cognitive/communication limitations which really impacts my ability to educate. As a therapist, I am most effective when there is strong and effective communication with my patients. When I am able to tell them why we are doing something and proper ways how to do something the outcome is generally always positive and successful. Right now I have a two patients with chronic dementia, one who has had past strokes and has expressive aphasia (unable to communicate verbally) and another who has had a stroke, but speaks a different language. I can plan the best treatment session ideas and get started and if there is NO understanding of the patient and they are unable to follow directions or they don't even respond, then I am completely stumped. That happened to me several times today. I love my job. I am VERY passionate about OT and enabling people to become more functional and increase their quality of life. However, today there were several instances when I just wanted to throw my hands up in the air and say "I give up!" How many times am I going to stand there and try and convince Mrs. B to stand up and walk to the toilet? How many more verbal/tactile cues can I give Mrs. C to dress herself? I am working so hard and the outcome is poor. It is truly exhausting. Lucky for me though, I am going to sign up for the PESI 'cognitive-communication disorders, assessment and treatment of neurological impairments' seminar. I definitely need to learn how to improve my communication skills and teaching/education strategies with patients who have communication impairments.

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