Friday, August 15, 2008

some call it tough love

i think my patient hit the nail on the head the other day when he referred to my badgering him to participate in therapy as TOUGH LOVE! i said "INDEED!!" and i have liked it so much i have continued to use the saying with my other patients. i have had all different kinds of patients. some who are VERY sick and have limited tolerance for out of bed activity and when they see you come in the room they shudder. i have to admit, i don't much care to be known as the slave driver. some patients are aware that i am there FOR THEM and to help THEM get healthy and strong. however, there are some that just don't get it. phrases often used at work: "it is going to be hard!", "do you want to go home?", "you are here to get stronger", "you CAN do this!", "do you think you can try and sit up in your chair for lunch?"... sometimes when the patient has multi medical issues, it is hard to badger and push. such patients incl oncology. i was covering for another therapist and working with a woman with some type of cancer. her roommate was the wife of a recent patient of mine who was dying from some kind of cancer. it is very hard to see them in the late stages of cancer, let alone try and encourage them to do therapy. i am sure that the majority of my patients understand that my TOUGH love is true and sincere. i would love nothing more than to see MR. R get home to his wife if he would just walk. ok, well, more tough love to come tomorrow!!!

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